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Avoid Driving Distractions & Stay Safe Behind the Wheel

It’s no secret that driving while distracted is dangerous. But what may surprise you is just how dangerous it can be. That’s why it’s important to know what the most common distractions are and how to avoid them. Here are the Top 5 driving distractions and how to stay safe while behind the wheel.

1. Texting While Driving

The most dangerous of all distractions is texting while driving. Not only does it take your eyes off the road, but it also distracts your hands and mind. Even if you’re at a stoplight, your cell phone should be out of reach until you’ve reached your destination or pulled over to park safely on the side of the road.

2. Using Your Phone as a Navigation Tool

It’s tempting to open up a maps app on your cell phone and use it to look up directions to navigate wherever you’re going, but this may end up being more harmful than helpful. You’ll have to regularly glance down at the screen, which means taking your eyes off the road. While it’s easy to use your phone, it’s best to use your in-car navigation system or figure out how to get there before you hit the road.

3. Grooming Yourself

Grooming yourself behind the wheel can take your mind off of driving temporarily, but it could also cause you to lose focus and disengage from the road. Combining grooming with any other distraction is dangerous because you’re not paying attention to what’s in front or around you. Avoid it by keeping distractions down while driving or waiting until you’re parked and out of the way to fix your hair and makeup.

4. Eating or Drinking While Driving

Eating or drinking while driving is another common distraction that many people don’t realize can be dangerous. Not only do you lose focus of the road, but there’s also a possibility of accidentally spilling food and drink onto the interior of your car or onto yourself. Prevent this by either skipping it, eating beforehand or timing your meals so you can pull over, park and eat safely.

5. Get Comfortable Before You Leave

While it’s tempting to adjust the radio, fiddle with your rearview mirror, or fix your temperature settings while you’re driving to save time, these are common distractions that aren’t safe to do while driving. Before you head out to your destination, make sure you’re comfortable so that you can spend your drive focused on the road.

How Do Distractions Affect Drivers’ Safety on the Road?

While each of these distractions can be dangerous in their own way, what is especially concerning is the risk to other drivers. When you’re not paying attention to the road and are instead focused on your phone, or eating, or personal grooming, you might easily miss stoplights or cause accidents by changing lanes without looking. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the dangers of driving distractions and avoid them whenever possible. Not only will staying aware keep you safe, but it will also help to keep everyone else safe on the road.

Protect Yourself from Other Distracted Drivers

If you’re ever in a situation where you come across a distracted driver, it’s important to be prepared. One way to do that is by making sure you have the proper insurance coverage. That way, if an accident does occur, you’re not left footing the bill.

Acceptance Insurance offers a variety of coverage options to fit your needs, including car insurance, property insurance and liability insurance. Make sure you have the proper coverage for any accidents or damages that may occur from another distracted driver.

Liability insurance could cover damage — such as medical expenses or damage done to their car — to another person or their property. Property insurance will help you pay for any damage that’s done to your vehicle. Motor vehicle insurance, also known as auto insurance, provides coverage both on and off the road for injury or damages that may occur during an accident with another driver.

If you don’t currently have car insurance, don’t worry. We offer no hassle, free car insurance quotes, so you could easily find the best rates and coverage for your budget.

Common Questions About Driving Distractions

What should you do if you encounter a distracted driver?

If you encounter a distracted driver, you should stay out of their way. If you can, move to the side of the road and let them pass. You should also avoid making any sudden movements, as they may not be paying attention and could cause a collision.

Is it illegal to use a phone while driving in my state?

The laws on handheld devices and texting usage while driving vary by state. If you are unsure, check your local laws to determine the penalties associated with distracted hassle, free car insurance quotes

Keep the Roads Safe by Avoiding Driving Distractions

It’s no secret that drivers need to stay focused on the road while behind the wheel. Distractions can lead to accidents and even fatalities. Acceptance Insurance is here to make sure you have the right coverage if you are in an accident with a distracted driver. Our agents work with you to help you create a custom plan — with one call (or visit) you can get prices from multiple carriers. Get a no hassle, free car insurance quote today!

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